The Section 8 Housing program provides individuals/families who are considered extremely low income, very low income, seniors, and persons with disabilities with rent subsidies in the form of housing assistance payments (HAP). These payments are paid to private landlords directly. One of the major benefits of being a Section 8 landlord is reliable monthly payments.
To begin receiving Section 8 Tenants contact the Los Angeles Public Housing Agency. They will provide you with a Section 8 landlord application and can help guide you through the process.
Once your application has been approved the Housing Authority will set up an inspection to ensure your property meets its housing quality standards. Prior to inspection speak with your local Public Housing Agency regarding specific requirements for your area.
After you have been approved and pass the inspection notify the Public Housing Agency of a vacancy. They will refer applicants to you from its Housing Choice Voucher waiting list.
You can also list your property on GoSection8 which was established to create a housing network for millions of people with housing needs and has a close relationship with the Los Angeles Public Housing Agency. These are the current listings being offered in the Los Angeles area.
Below you will find the current payment standards for the City of LA. The payment standard is based on Fair Market Rents (FMR) and is updated annually. The voucher shows the number of bedrooms the Housing Authority has authorized based on the number of persons in the family, as well as the maximum subsidy the Housing Authority can issue towards the rent.
Voucher Payment Standards for the City of LA

Image via HACLA
For more information about The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles Section 8 Program visit: